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Batten, Kate Hinton

In Honor Of Kate Hinton Batten
Homemaker, Businesswoman, Wife, Mother
Born: October 28, 1915 to Joe O. and Hattie Strickland Hinton

Married: December 31,1936 to O.B. Batten

Contribution by the Batten Children.

She grew up in rural Johnston County. Upon her marriage, she became actively involved in farming as well as homemaking. She was named County Home Demonstration Club Woman of the Year. Currently, she is president of Kenly Auto Auction.

A Tribute
Precious memories seem to surface
When the day is done.
Memories of days gone by,
Of battles lost and won.
Memories of growing up
where Mother taught and sang,
Stories of childhood
Songs where laughter rang.
Thank you, Mother for those memories,
Priceless and sincere.
Memories we will always cherish
Love we hold most dear.

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