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Scott, Franklin Woodrow

Woodrow changed his focus and started farming with his father. Although he was not a college graduate, he was a well read man. He learned his trade well and became a respected young farmer in the community and county. He worked with farm organizations trying to improve farming methods and rural living conditions for his community and Wilson County.

In 1945, Woodrow met Kathleen Gay, the eldest daughter of Edgar and Mary Gay. They were married in March, 1946. A daughter, Wilma Gay Scott, was born in 1947 and another daughter, Mary Kay Scott, was born in 1951.

In 1953, Woodrow Scott accidentally drowned while fishing with his six year old daughter, Wilma. He lived a short 38 years, but his legacy is strong. Mr. James B. Hunt, Sr., eulogized him at a memorial service by saying, “...he possessed the wisdom and judgment that most men acquire at an older age." A plaque, given by the St. Mary's Home Demonstration and Young Farmer's Clubs stated, "In memory of Franklin Woodrow Scott, for notable accomplishments in farming, leadership and citizenship. He was one of God's noblemen." The Growers Cooperative Warehouse where Woodrow served on the Board of Directors said in memoriam, “...the people of Wilson County mourn the loss of an outstanding citizen and civic leader, whose devotion to duty in positions of trust and whose high ideals for better farm living, caused him to give of himself far beyond the measure required in seeking to serve well his community... his wise counsel and sound business judgment were of inestimable value. His vision reached far into the future, while he kept the realities of the present clearly fixed in his mind."

Woodrow would be most proud of the family he left behind. His wife, Kathleen, taught 26 years in the Wilson County School system. Daughters Wilma and Kay both hold advanced graduate degrees and have children of their own. Wilma has 2 daughters, Stacy and Katie Hammett and Kay has 1 daughter, Kathryn Saville.

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