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#ThrowbackThursday: Letter from the USDA War Board

The below letter was found in the Brown Family Papers. It was likely intended for Walter Brown and sent during World War II. It lays out the paperwork that the Brown Family must complete and how to turn it in in order to receive extra rations of gasoline for essential farm work. Farmers could receive extra rations of gasoline in order to carry out their work which was considered essential for the war effort in order to supply food and fibers for soldiers oversees and war efforts on the home front. Below is the image of the document and its full transcription.



Smithfield, N.C.

Dear Sir :

There is attached a letter to the Johnston County

Rationing Board from the Farm Transportation Committee,

recommending additional gasoline to be used in your auto-

mobile to do essential farm work. There is also attached

a form to be filled out by you applying for supplemental

mileage ration.

In order for you to secure your supplemental allot-

ment of gasoline you should send the enclosed letter and

the enclosed form properly filled out, together with your

tire inspection certificate to the Rationing Board in

Smithfield. This material will be carried before the County

Rationing Board and they will send you your gasoline coupons.

Be sure to fill out the information asked in the

upper left hand section of the first page, then print your

name and address again in the middle of the page. After

this is done, answer Items 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, B., 10,

and sign under Item 13.

Please keep in mind that the Rationing Board will

[not] be able to issue gasoline until this has passed the

______, therefore, it will be easier for you to mail these

items rather than carry them to the board.

Very truly yours,

P. B. Chamblee, Chairman

Johnston County USDA War Board



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